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Updated Week at a Glance 10th June 2024
Thanks to all who have returned the sponsor forms and sponsorship for the Olympics Challenge on Thursday! We will be kicking off with a dance-a-thon, lead by our school council, rights respecting and antibullying teams, with music being provided by our very own parent DJ extraordinaire, Mr Ronan Barry! Thanks Mr Barry! The children will then take part in lots of fun Olympic activities.
Please remind your children to call into my office when they bring their form back to collect their 'thank you treat'.
We would appreciate all remaining forms being returned by Wednesday 12th June. Thank you.
Please note Mrs Austin's class will have two sessions of swimming this week on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Miss McAnulty's Primary 1 class will be leading the assembly this Friday morning for the whole school and their parents and families are invited to their prayer service on Friday at 1:15pm.
It is Canon Francis Brown's Golden Jubilee Celebration Mass today at 12:00 noon in Newry Cathedral. Everyone is invited to this wonderful celebration.
Please read the Week at a Glance to see everything that is happening this week in our school.
St Patrick's Primary School, Ballymaghery, 13 Castlewellan Road, Hilltown, Newry and Mourne, BT34 5UY | Phone: 028 4063 0061