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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

UNICEF Playground Challenge

15th Jun 2019

A big thank you to all our children, parents and those who sponsored our children. We raised over £1000 for UNICEF. The Rights Respecting Team have been working very closely with UNICEF to receive their Silver Award.

School Council took on the role of organising the Playground Challenge to raise money for UNICEF. They had a few brief meetings to plan and organise the equipment needed. Thankfully we had the St Mark’s students out on placement to help set it up quickly to allow each year group time to complete the challenge.

The weather was nice and the children had great fun. The big request from children and staff was “Let’s do this more often!!” which demonstrates how important it is to be outside exercising and challenging the children.

Have a look at a few action photos from each year group.