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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

This Week at a Glance

5th Mar 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians

Please read the attached Week at a Glance to see our timetable for this week.

Thanks to all who were able to support our Market Day! 

A number of grounds maintenance jobs are happening over the next few weeks.

The fence along the bottom yard is being upgraded and the lower and side yards are being resurfaced. This is all in line with health and safety in keeping our school as safe a possible for our children. This will mean reduced space for outside activities for the next few weeks but our children showed great maturity when we told them we have to do this to improve their play space. 

One of the gardens is also being tidied to give our children a little more safe green space.    

We are very excited about all the works and are looking forward for it to be completed.  

We thank you for your patience in advance of any inconvenience caused.  

We also want to remind you that the bus layby is NOT for drop offs. Please DO NOT park here to drop or pick your child. Your are putting our children's safety at risk.  

P.7 parents are invited to a presacramental meeting on Tuesday 7th March at 7:00pm.  This meeting is being faciliated by Frances McNally, the Diocesan Youth Director.  We look forward to seeing you there.    

Fitness Freddie will be taking all classes on Wednesday as part of Wellbeing Wednesday. Please pay £2:00 on Schoolmoney.  

P.7 are having a bake sale for all the school on Thursday morning. All proceeds are going towards the Irish Children's Pilgrimage Trust, Group 93.  

On Wednesday, 15th March, P.6 parents are invited an information meeting on preparation for the new SEAG Entrance Exam taking place in P.7.  

On Thursday 16th March, P2 Mrs Reavey's class are inviting their parents to a prayer service at 1:15pm. It will also be Dress in Green Day and those children who want to can wear green this day.

Finally, thank you for your continued support in helping us help your children succeed.  It is only in working in partnership that our pupils will progress.