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This Week at a Glance
Dear Parents,
We hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather!
We are making the most of this lovely spell of warm weather, with lots of outdoor learning. Please make sure you apply sunscream to your child every morning before school as we are unable to do this for them. Also, sending them to school with a sunhat and bottle of water to drink during the day, will help keep them. Juice is only allowed for children taking lunches at lunchtime.
Please ensure you book dinners for the day your child is taking dinners. If you miss the booking deadline please phone Mrs Brown between 8:00am and 9:15am to get your child booked in. Please make sure your child knows whether they are taking dinner or lunch.
This week we have our Sponsored Fun Fitness Challenge, the Connor McConville Tournament, and Sports Day! Please check notifications attached to this message for more information. The Fun Fitness Challenge letter and card went home two weeks ago, please check your child's school bag if they haven't given it to you. All Sponsor cards and money should be sent in by Wednesday 7th June. Thank you for your continued support and generosity.
A lot of children are making great use of their summer uniform. Only bottle green shorts should be worn to school. Some families have found a great solution to getting the most from their PE track suit bottoms by cutting them off at the knees, which means their children are cool, comfortable and tidy!
We look forward to seeing as many of you at Sports Day on Friday!
Best Wishes
Mrs Smith
St Patrick's Primary School, Ballymaghery, 13 Castlewellan Road, Hilltown, Newry and Mourne, BT34 5UY | Phone: 028 4063 0061