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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Road Safety at St Patrick's P.S.

16th Nov 2018

We had our Road Safety assembly today. 

The themes covered were:

  1. Safety in crossing the road.  Pupils explained that we should THINK about where we should cross the road; STOP at the side of the road; use our eyes and ears to see any approaching vehicles; LOOK and LISTEN to make sure all is clear; then CROSS the road, still looking and listening. REMEMBER: look right, look left and look right again.
  2. Be Bright, Be Seen. Pupils explained that as the evenings are getting darker it is really necessary to be visible to road traffic.  We do this by wearing high-visibility clothing - reflective jackets or straps.
  3. Use your seat-belt every time you are travelling in a vehicle.  Principal reinforced the need for all of us to wear a set-belt on every journey.