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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Rights Respecting Assembly : Article 12: Respect for the views of the child

22nd Nov 2024

Our Rights Respecting Team(RRT) presented assembly today telling us about Article 12: Respect for the views of the child. The Rights Respecting Team described how we show respecting the views of the child through how the staff listen to them when they have something to say. 

The team reminded the children they a can use their class suggestion boxes and to talk to all the other teams in our school, to express their views and ideas for ways to make our school better. 

They told us how everyone's voice should be listened to, included and respected! 

Congratulations and well done to Ms O’Prey and Mrs McCarthy who were chosen by our RRT as Duty Bearers of the month!