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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

P7 Superstars!

9th Apr 2020

The girls and boys have been working extremely hard in P7. They have been solving tricky problems in Maths using each of the mathematical operations, they are now detectives involving spelling, grammar and punctuation, they have been making digital models of the rock and water cycle and they have been keeping active through a range of different sports and outdoor games - and much more!

We would like to say a massive thank you to both the children and parents for your monumental effort in completing the daily tasks we have assigned. With your support we can continue to enrich our children's lives with a balanced, diverse and challenging curriculum.

All of the work we have received is fantastic, have a look at some of the images to see a few examples.

Well done children and parents!

Happy Easter to everyone.

Mr Crowley and Mr McConville.