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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

P5 welcome Martin Mackin

8th Oct 2024

Martin Mackin from NI Fire Service came to school today to meet with our P5’s. We learnt all about how to keep ourselves and homes safe. They all took home a lovely booklet to share with their families which contained games, cards and stickers.

Primary five welcomed Mr M Mackin from the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service to school on Tuesday as part of the Fire Service Fire Safety Month. He told the children all about the Fire Jigsaw to keep us safe.

🧩 The first part of this jigsaw was your smoke alarm. Are they working? Do you check them weekly? Make sure the filter isn’t blocked by hoovering around the alarm 1/2 times a year to remove any dust. Most importantly, make sure you immediately replace batteries when you take them out.

🧩 Secondly, What causes fires? Charging devices all night? Kitchen appliances such a chip pans etc. Over loading sockets.

🧩 Routine- Have a routine  you follow every night. Close doors, turn off devices, make sure all fires have been distinguished, don’t leave candles unattended.

🧩 Finally, have an escape plan. Have an allocated room to meet in in a fire. Discuss how you and where you were going to get together to get out together. 

Mr Mackin, told us that you get the fire safety team out to your house to assess how safe your house is and that they would advise on alarms. They even are grants to cover the cost of alarms available for some families. No one should ever be without a working smoke alarm.

With Hallowe’en fast approaching, we were given some ways to keep safe. How to wear gloves when using sparklers, perhaps even putting them into potatoes or carrots to keep them farther away from you.  Never, ever, touch the end of the sparkler and make sure you put them in a bucket of water or sand when you are finished as they remain hot.

Stop, Drop and Roll! This rhyme is an easy way to remember what to do if someone’s clothes catch on fire. Our children were reminded to never light bonfires or fireworks themselves. We can all have a lovely Hallowe’en by following his advice! Thanks again Martin!

Articles 3- Best interest of the child, Article 6- Right to life survival and development, UNICEF Rights of the child.