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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

P4 sports day

1st Jun 2020

Well done to all Primary 4 children who participated in our first ever ‘Virtual Spors Day’ . Going by the fantastic photos and videos, a fantastic time was had by all. Thankfully we had the super weather.  It was great to see siblings, older and younger get involved. 

The children completed some of the graduation sports like the sprint, egg and spoon, sack race, wellie boot throw, high jump, long jump and marathon challenge.  They also competed in the super strong challenge  which involved crawling. With the great weather, it was great to see some of the children incorporate their paddling pools into their sports day with some even adding in their own sporting events. πŸ‘πŸ‘

Many thanks to the parents for their help in making this a very enjoyable day for the children. 🌈