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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

P.3 are delighted to be BACK TO SCHOOL 🏫

12th Mar 2021

The smiles on their faces said it at all when Primary 3 arrived back to school on Monday morning. There was lots of play, talking, catching up and fun had this week back at school. It was lovely just having half a class in school but we said hello to the Primary 4’s who are still at home doing their remote learning. We miss them!
It was even quoted at home time “It can’t be home time yet,  I don’t want to go home yet.”  I think this sums up P.3’s feelings about being back to school. 

Primary 3 discovered they had visitors outside their classroom. They saw lots and lots of frogs in the pond outside their classroom but when we went outside to investigate the frogs 🐸 hid but we did get to see them from the classroom window. They stayed a few days before they left. However, they left lots of frogspawn for us to watch over the weeks and months ahead to develop into tadpoles and frogs. We will keep you posted on these developments.

We can’t forget about all our wonderful Mummy’s this weekend as we celebrate Mother’s Day. They do so much for us. We want to say THANK YOU MUMMY, WE LOVE YOU! 💕