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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Nurses Visit Room 3

20th Jan 2025

Today the children had a very interactive WAU lesson. As part of our topic People Who Help Us, two nurses came to visit our classroom and told us all about their job and how they help look after sick children and adults. They told us lots of information and brought in lots of very interesting items for us to play with. There were bandages, syringes, stethoscopes, vials, plasters uniforms and many more items for the children to learn about.  Everyone enjoyed being a nurse for the morning and had the opportunity to handle and explore the various items. A big thank you to Mrs Wilson and Mrs Murphy for giving up their time today and for the stickers and sweets! Hopefully, we will have lots of nurses both male and female to help the NHS in the future.