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Numeracy Awards
The Numeracy award winners for the month of November were presented at a special assembly. The Numeracy focus for this year is the learning and quick recall of Times Tables. As a staff we feel that this is a life skill that is so useful regardless of what path one chooses to follow. Even though the children from Primary 1 to 3 are not officially learning times tables they are looking at various strategies for solving problems. This is the foundation on which times tables are based.
The winners in primary 1-3 received certificates for their wonderful Maths skills and the children in P4-7 got a trophy for their effort in learning their Tables. They will keep this trophy for a month and on the last Friday of each month a new winner will be chosen by the class teachers. Fortunately for the current winners they will get to keep it until the next presentation which will be on Friday 25th January 2019 as the Christmas holidays fall at the end of December.
Well done everyone!
St Patrick's Primary School, Ballymaghery, 13 Castlewellan Road, Hilltown, Newry and Mourne, BT34 5UY | Phone: 028 4063 0061