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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Goodbye to Room 2

26th Jun 2020

This was a strange year for all the children in St Patrick’s Primary due to Covid19, but it was especially strange for the P1 children. 

Primary 1 pupils missed the last term of their first year in school. Primary 2 did also!

P1 had to complete their Jolly Phonics sounds at home and they didn’t get to complete the P1 reading scheme.

P2 were introduced to new topics via Seesaw and they nailed them πŸ˜€

Everyone had a virtual sports day at home. πŸ₯‡πŸ†

Our class missed their end of year school trip and many more milestones.

But the children continued to learn at home. They had quality time at home with their family. Many learned lots of life skills on the farm with their daddy/family members or baked cakes and buns with their mummy/daddy or older siblings.

To finish the year and to say goodbye to a wonderful group of children who were marvelously supported by their parents I have put together some photos in a video to remind them of the fun they had in 2019 - 2020 school year.

Have a wonderful summer and I will see you at the end of August!

Thank you

M McNeill