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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Jack and the Beanstalk Pantomine

10th Jan 2019

Ethan bought the cow and loved answering the questions.
Ethan bought the cow and loved answering the questions.
Sean Og was in the hot seat. He took on the role of the giant and answered lots of questions.
Sean Og was in the hot seat. He took on the role of the giant and answered lots of questions.
Madeline was the mother from the story and told the class how cross she had been with Jack at the beginning.
Madeline was the mother from the story and told the class how cross she had been with Jack at the beginning.
Jake was Jack, with a c and without an e. He was able to justify his reasons.
Jake was Jack, with a c and without an e. He was able to justify his reasons.
At the Grand Opera House, Belfast.
At the Grand Opera House, Belfast.