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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Christmas through the Ages at Palace Stables

13th Dec 2023
Today the children enjoyed a Christmas adventure in Armagh at the Palace Stables. 
We firstly went to visit the cook who was preparing mince pies for the people ‘up in the big house.’ Cook Hill told the children about several old traditions and how Christmas presents were very limited.
We then went to visit Santa. He was sleeping so the children had to wake him up. Every child got to speak to Santa and tell him what they would like for Christmas.
Then a few children got to play with some old time toys when they went to visit the American soldier. He demonstrated how to use several old time wooden toys then he choose a number of boys and girls to see if they could play with them - think the children preferred the toys Santa will be bringing them soon. 
Finally the children made a Christmas decoration to bring home before Christmas and hang onto their tree at home.
Everyone was ready for their lunch after those 4 interesting adventures!!